CFS – 12 month Brain Retraining Program
Online Video Series Designed to Help You Re-Program Guiding You Step By Step to Full Wellness

After 11 Years of Struggling Only 2 months later I was fully Healed, let me Teach You How!
- Full Access for 12 Months - Immediate Unlimited Access
- Video Coaching Series - I Guide You Through Every Step
- Focused Content - No Filler for Quick and Easy Implementation
- 6 x 1-1 Coaching Sessions Directly With Me to Achieve Best Results
- Private FB Group Connect with Others Healing Together
- Support Materials and Free Program Updates for 12 Months

What My Clients Say About:
Thriving Therapies™ Brain Retaining®

Lisa - Dublin Ireland
Overcame CFS
I was at my wits end, I had been suffering from chronic fatigue syndrome for a very long time and I was sick to death of living in the shadows of life. Today I am the person I always thought I could be, but never knew how to be. I live my life how I want to, I do the things that make my heart sing, I am human again!
I had been suffering with CFS / ME for 33 years and managing it as best I could. You have to take responsibility to practice Brain Retraining every day but the results you can achieve are INCREDIBLE! If you put in the work you will reap the rewards with profoundly positive changes in your life. I now enjoy full health with a busy active lifestyle, better than ever before! Highly recommended.

Elizabeth - Galway Ireland
Overcame CFS

Carol - Donegal Ireland
Overcame CFS
Jason is an amazing coach, I can’t recommend him high enough. He is wonderful at his job and deeply cares about your well-being and health. He is always there if you should ever need some help. He has been a brilliant support to me throughout, and I am forever grateful for everything he has done for me.
Frequently Asked Questions
Immediately after completing payment below you will be logged into the program.
Yes, self compassion is an incredibly important part of healing.
First we focus on using your mind to allow your body to naturally restore wellness.
As this happens your activities will naturally increase, this is the opposite of pushing and will lead to a balanced healthy way of living.
We make it simple for you to understand and implement as soon as possible with no filler added.
Our Program is Focused, evey module is packed with only relevant and useful actionable information only.
No more having to watch 20 hours of content to even get started!
Within 3 hours of watching you will already be practising Brain Retraining on your first or second day from sign up.
All you need is an internet connection, Wifi is recommended.
A computer, pad or smartphone and a quiet space.
All of your coaching calls will be completed via Zoom.
Yes! Thriving Therapies – Brain Retraining can be used for a wide range of Mental, Physical and Emotional issues.
If you are currently taking any medications you can start using this Brain Retraining and gradually taper off them as you are getting better with the supervision of a medical expert.
YES, in the Private Facebook Group you will be able to Connect with People who are also Restoring Wellness.
Encouragement through team effort is the spirit of the Thriving Therapies Private Brain Retraining FB Group.
Many hands make light work, sharing what you have learned helps you to master these empowering life changing skills.
To learn: watch and implement, to master: teach.
If you have completed all of the video modules and consistently implemented the Brain Retraining Program for 28 Days and have not noticed any improvements you can receive 50% of the total purchase price within 30 days of purchasing the program. (Offered for Payment in full only)
The success rate of this program is very high > 80% so long as you fully commit to this program I am confident that you will achieve incredible life changing results! We focus on changing and programming in new healthy habits and ways of being that last a lifetime. The usual time-frame to achieve full wellness no matter where you are starting from is within just a few months. It can be sooner, some clients have achieved full wellness in as little as a month however your full commitment for at least 2 months is necessary to enjoy wellness for a lifetime. Therefore you have a full 12 months access to the program.